Important GAR (Immigration) information for General Aviation operators
From 06 April 2024, new regulations will come into force affecting General Aviation flights to and from the UK. Pilots, owners, and operators must use the GAR webservice on GOV.UK to submit their own GAR to UK Border Force (UKBF). This should be completed between 48 hours and 2 hours before departure.
Cumbernauld Airport require a copy of your GAR confirmation. We require details of all crew and passengers (names, DOB, passport numbers, nationalities) to ensure legitimate access to the airport.
Cumbernauld Airport requires this form to be submitted AFTER you have completed an online GAR to Border Force and BEFORE your arrival to the airport.
Cumbernauld Airport is strictly PPR, and we would remind all pilots to please brief themselves on the circuit procedure and noise abatement rules prior to arrival.
Noise Abatement Areas and Circuits
Thank you, your GAR Flight Booking-In Form has been submitted.